Country Wise Area & Production of Apple Year 2013
Sr. No. Country Name Pro in Tones Area in Hactare %age Share
1 China, mainland 39682618 2410000 49.10
2 United States of America 4081608 131210 5.05
3 Turkey 3128450 173096 3.87
4 Poland 3085074 193439 3.82
5 Italy 2216963 55274 2.74
6 India 1915000 312000 2.37
7 France 1737482 39509 2.15
8 Chile 1709589 37545 2.12
9 Iran (Islamic Republic of) 1693370 129754 2.10
10 Russian Federation 1572000 186300 1.95
11 Argentina 1245018 45493 1.54
12 Brazil 1231472 38284 1.52
13 Ukraine 1211400 103900 1.50
14 Uzbekistan 937000 92000 1.16
15 Mexico 858608 59199 1.06
Total Top 15 Countries 66305652 4007003 82.04
20 Pakistan 606016 105153 0.75
Other 79 Countries 13910852 1105445 17.21
Total World 80822520 5217601 100.00
Source: FAO