Country Wise Area & Production of Seed Cotton Year 2014
Sr. No. Country Name Pro in Tones Area in Hactare %age Share
1 India 19000000 11800000 24.72
2 China, mainland 18430000 4220000 23.97
3 United States of America 9298600 3782560 12.10
4 Pakistan 6350000 2800000 8.26
5 Brazil 4289419 1149337 5.58
6 Uzbekistan 3400200 1301100 4.42
7 Australia 2700000 450000 3.51
8 Turkey 2350000 468143 3.06
9 Argentina 1019653 512821 1.33
10 Greece 920000 282500 1.20
11 Burkina Faso 894982 651294 1.16
12 Mexico 861531 183553 1.12
13 Turkmenistan 570000 550000 0.74
14 Egypt 525000 200000 0.68
15 Mali 500000 570000 0.65
Total Top 15 Countries 71109385 28921308 92.50
Other 71 Countries 5762943 4613588 7.50
Total World 76872328 33534896 100.00
Source: FAO