Country Wise Area & Production of Potato in the World Year 2014
Sr. No. Countries Pro in Tones Area in Hactare %age Share
1 China 96088320 5645000 24.95
2 India 46395000 2024000 12.05
3 Russia 31501354 2101461 8.18
4 Ukraine 23693350 1342800 6.15
5 USA 20056500 425370 5.21
6 Germany 11607300 244800 3.01
7 Bangladesh 9435150 495790 2.45
8 France 8054500 168000 2.09
9 Poland 7689180 276927 2.00
10 Netherlands 7100258 155502 1.84
11 Belarus 6279715 307943 1.63
12 Egypt 4800000 178000 1.25
13 Iran 4742240 160430 1.23
14 Peru 4693209 317245 1.22
15 Algeria 4673516 156176 1.21
Total Top 15 Countries 286809592 13999444 74.48
23 Pakistan 3507100 161900 0.91
Total Other 142 Countries 94757422 5043265 24.61
Total World 385074114 19204609 100.00
Source: FAO