Country Wise Area & Production of Banana in the World Year 2015
Sr. No. Countries Production   (Tons) Area           (Hectares) %age Share
1 India 29221000 822000 25.36
2 China 12466000 409100 10.82
3 Indonesia 9496058 187336 8.24
4 Ecuador 7194431 185489 6.24
5 Brazil 6849227 476419 5.94
6 Philippines 5840124 443370 5.07
7 Guatemala 3796115 75061 3.29
8 Angola 3595306 127034 3.12
9 Tanzania 3584532 452562 3.11
10 Rwanda 2980546 317464 2.59
11 Mexico 2262028 77549 1.96
12 Costa Rica 2208853 43024 1.92
13 Colombia 1997422 76374 1.73
14 Viet Nam 1943337 118092 1.69
15 Egypt 1314177 27520 1.14
Total Top 15 Countries 94749156 3838394 82.22
55 Pakistan 118044 28171 0.10
Total of Other 115 Countries 20372375 1580087 17.68
Total World 115239575 5446652 100.00
Source: FAO
