Country Wise Area & Production of Chillies and peppers, dry in the World Year 2015
Sr. No. Countries Production   (Tons) Area           (Hectares) %age Share
1 India 1605000 761000 40.02
2 Thailand 348223 85645 8.68
3 China 305088 46117 7.61
4 Ethiopia 289677 142795 7.22
5 Pakistan 139687 62456 3.48
6 Myanmar 126800 110075 3.16
7 Bangladesh 123207 92167 3.07
8 Ghana 111395 14644 2.78
9 Viet Nam 94999 65348 2.37
10 Benin 75722 25861 1.89
11 Nigeria 64903 37930 1.62
12 Mexico 60648 33039 1.51
13 Egypt 54046 15855 1.35
14 Romania 45130 48763 1.13
15 Nepal 40172 7680 1.00
Total Top 15 Countries 3484697 1549375 86.90
Total of Other 52 Countries 525329 165671 13.10
Total World 4010026 1715046 100.00
Source: FAO
