Country Wise Area & Production of Mangoes, mangosteens, guavas in the World Year 2015
Sr. No. Countries Production   (Tons) Area           (Hectares) %age Share
1 India 18527000 2163000 39.99
2 China 4577806 561429 9.88
3 Thailand 3331113 407682 7.19
4 Indonesia 2176448 179207 4.70
5 Mexico 2069959 203276 4.47
6 Pakistan 1636473 170299 3.53
7 Brazil 1400342 81868 3.02
8 Egypt 1214242 102651 2.62
9 Sudan 1085900 44856 2.34
10 Bangladesh 1018112 101530 2.20
11 Philippines 917005 196662 1.98
12 Nigeria 897023 131423 1.94
13 Viet Nam 895467 87111 1.93
14 Kenya 839909 61794 1.81
15 Haiti 711766 93649 1.54
Total Top 15 Countries 41298565 4586437 89.13
Total of Other 88 Countries 5034478 717303 10.87
Total World 46333043 5303740 100.00
Source: FAO
