Country Wise Area & Production of Potato in the World Year 2015
Sr. No. Countries Production   (Tons) Area           (Hectares) %age Share
1 China 94860000 5518200 25.17
2 India 48009000 2076000 12.74
3 Russia 33645799 2111613 8.93
4 Ukraine 20839270 1291000 5.53
5 USA 20012720 426710 5.31
6 Germany 10370200 236700 2.75
7 Bangladesh 9254285 471013 2.46
8 France 7119837 167505 1.89
9 Netherlands 6651692 155661 1.77
10 Poland 6313669 300355 1.68
11 Belarus 5995298 309626 1.59
12 UK 5588000 129000 1.48
13 Iran 5140623 160217 1.36
14 Egypt 4955445 183776 1.32
15 Turkey 4760000 153802 1.26
Total Top 15 Countries 283515838 13691178 75.24
19 Pakistan 3997579 170517 1.06
Total of Other 142 Countries 89298304 5116925 23.70
Total World 376811721 18978620 100.00
Source: FAO
