Country Wise Area & Production of Sugarcane in the World                      Year 2015
Sr. No. Countries Production   (Tons) Area           (Hectares) %age Share
1 Brazil 750290277 10111376 39.76
2 India 362333000 5070000 19.20
3 China 116968000 1599650 6.20
4 Thailand 94138465 1400748 4.99
5 Pakistan 65482334 1131476 3.47
6 Mexico 55396061 758608 2.94
7 Colombia 36709800 409462 1.95
8 Guatemala 33869277 267887 1.79
9 Australia 32379153 376530 1.72
10 USA 29140590 359080 1.54
11 Indonesia 25348720 455819 1.34
12 Philippines 22926437 421312 1.22
13 Argentina 22540010 333569 1.19
14 Cuba 19300000 435600 1.02
15 Viet Nam 18337227 284262 0.97
Total Top 15 Countries 1685159351 23415379 89.31
Total of Other 89 Countries 201715976 3249032 10.69
Total World 1886875327 26664411 100.00
Source: FAO
