Country Wise Area & Production of Banana in the World 2016
Sr. No. Countries Production (tons) Area (Hectare) %age Share
1 India 29124000 846000 25.71
2 China 13066778 416439 11.53
3 Indonesia 7007125 139964 6.19
4 Brazil 6764324 469711 5.97
5 Ecuador 6529676 180337 5.76
6 Philippines 5829142 456641 5.15
7 Angola 3858066 131455 3.41
8 Guatemala 3775150 78206 3.33
9 Tanzania 3559639 468470 3.14
10 Rwanda 3037962 322009 2.68
11 Costa Rica 2409543 42410 2.13
12 Mexico 2384778 78322 2.11
13 Colombia 2043668 84637 1.80
14 Viet Nam 1941935 120041 1.71
15 Egypt 1341478 27632 1.18
Total Top 15 Countries 92673264 3862274 81.81
Total Other 114 Countries  20478870 1602230 18.08
56 Pakistan 128171 29501 0.11
World Total 113280305 5494005 100.00
Source: FAO