Country Wise Area & Production of Chilli in the World 2016
Sr. No. Countries Production (tons) Area (Hectare) %age Share
1 India 1389000 789000 35.45
2 Thailand 379349 92126 9.68
3 Ethiopia 329804 180701 8.42
4 China 306980 46405 7.83
5 Ivory Coast 148354 26287 3.79
6 Pakistan 133513 57561 3.41
7 Bangladesh 130260 101972 3.32
8 Myanmar 129361 110051 3.30
9 Ghana 115558 14859 2.95
10 Viet Nam 95647 65686 2.44
11 Benin 88268 27729 2.25
12 Nigeria 67003 38786 1.71
13 Mexico 60176 32627 1.54
14 Egypt 54572 15931 1.39
15 Romania 45945 49682 1.17
Total Top 15 Countries 3473790 1649403 88.66
Total Other 52 Countries  444368 149448 11.34
World Total 3918158 1798851 100.00
Source: FAO