Country Wise Area & Production of Seed Cotton in the World 2016
Sr. No. Countries Production (tons) Area (Hectare) %age Share
1 China 16029000 3376100 24.51
2 India 14413036 10500000 22.04
3 USA 10049990 3848000 15.37
4 Pakistan 4942746 2489000 7.56
5 Brazil 3464103 996188 5.30
6 Uzbekistan 3307469 1272149 5.06
7 Turkey 2100000 416002 3.21
8 Australia 1518678 280422 2.32
9 Greece 1354754 323608 2.07
10 Burkina Faso 900448 720000 1.38
11 Argentina 673145 376780 1.03
12 Mali 597237 655000 0.91
13 Mexico 487914 104374 0.75
14 Syria 477749 127863 0.73
15 Myanmar 438032 201951 0.67
Total Top 15 Countries 60754301 25687437 92.91
Total Other 76 Countries  4637234 4519406 7.09
World Total 65391535 30206843 100.00
Source: FAO