Country Wise Area & Production of Dates in the World 2016
Sr. No. Countries Production (tons) Area (Hectare) %age Share
1 Egypt 1694813 48153 20.03
2 Iran 1065704 193368 12.60
3 Algeria 1029596 167279 12.17
4 Saudi Arabia 964536 145516 11.40
5 UAE 671891 93561 7.94
6 Iraq 615211 310243 7.27
7 Pakistan 494601 95802 5.85
8 Sudan 439120 37212 5.19
9 Oman 348642 24120 4.12
10 Tunisia 241000 61240 2.85
11 Libya 173546 32357 2.05
12 China 159144 12356 1.88
13 Morocco 125329 58122 1.48
14 Kuwait 98366 3021 1.16
15 Yemen 57726 14871 0.68
Total Top 15 Countries 8179225 1297221 96.68
Total Other 24 Countries  281219 55940 3.32
World Total 8460444 1353161 100.00
Source: FAO