Country Wise Area & Production of Ginger in the World 2016
Sr. No. Countries Production (tons) Area (Hectare) %age Share
1 India 1109000 165000 33.91
2 Nigeria 522964 111196 15.99
3 China 492905 45821 15.07
4 Indonesia 340341 12932 10.41
5 Nepal 271863 21869 8.31
6 Thailand 164266 9808 5.02
7 Cameroon 79273 8066 2.42
8 Bangladesh 77290 9473 2.36
9 Japan 62244 2029 1.90
10 Mali 38589 2480 1.18
11 Philippines 26787 3831 0.82
12 Sri Lanka 16588 2432 0.51
13 Malaysia 13362 1081 0.41
14 Ethiopia 10892 3567 0.33
15 Bhutan 10182 2430 0.31
Total Top 15 Countries 3236546 402015 98.95
Total Other 22 Countries  34094 5482 1.04
32 Pakistan 122 275 0.00
World Total 3270762 407772 100.00
Source: FAO