Country Wise Area & Production of Groundnuts, with shell in the World 2016
Sr. No. Countries Production (tons) Area (Hectare) %age Share
1 China 16624083 4521979 37.80
2 India 6857000 5800000 15.59
3 Nigeria 3028571 2680000 6.89
4 USA 2578500 626060 5.86
5 Sudan 1826000 2315040 4.15
6 Myanmar 1572407 989174 3.58
7 Chad 1040077 971303 2.36
8 Argentina 1001113 341838 2.28
9 Cameroon 747677 453826 1.70
10 Senegal 719000 880000 1.63
11 Brazil 564785 154556 1.28
12 Tanzania 550000 780000 1.25
13 Indonesia 504912 366256 1.15
14 Niger 453577 771075 1.03
15 Viet Nam 427190 184792 0.97
Total Top 15 Countries 38494892 21835899 87.52
Total Other 98 Countries  5399891 5735432 12.28
36 Pakistan 87280 89469 0.20
World Total 43982063 27660800 100.00
Source: FAO