Country Wise Area & Production of Mangoes, mangosteens, guavas in the World 2016
Sr. No. Countries Production (tons) Area (Hectare) %age Share
1 India 18779000 2237000 40.38
2 China 4664272 569660 10.03
3 Thailand 3432129 410694 7.38
4 Mexico 2197313 206423 4.72
5 Indonesia 2184399 167785 4.70
6 Pakistan 1606091 167743 3.45
7 Brazil 1417149 78961 3.05
8 Egypt 1277008 113055 2.75
9 Bangladesh 1161685 153088 2.50
10 Nigeria 917617 133572 1.97
11 Philippines 827075 195958 1.78
12 Sudan 785940 45528 1.69
13 Kenya 734658 54332 1.58
14 Viet Nam 725306 74499 1.56
15 Haiti 670878 88229 1.44
Total Top 15 Countries 41380520 4696527 88.97
Total Other Countries  5128176 728527 11.03
World Total 46508696 5425054 100.00
Source: FAO