Country Wise Area & Production of Potato in the World 2016
Sr. No. Countries Production (tons) Area (Hectare) %age Share
1 China 99065724 5812865 26.29
2 India 43770000 2130000 11.62
3 Russia 31107797 2030858 8.26
4 Ukraine 21750290 1311600 5.77
5 USA 19990950 407810 5.31
6 Germany 10772100 242500 2.86
7 Bangladesh 9474099 475699 2.51
8 Poland 8872445 311620 2.35
9 France 6834680 175225 1.81
10 Netherlands 6534338 155594 1.73
11 Belarus 5985810 292401 1.59
12 UK 5373000 139000 1.43
13 Iran 5164891 161771 1.37
14 Egypt 5029022 184592 1.33
15 Algeria 4782690 156196 1.27
Total Top 15 Countries 284507836 13987731 75.50
Total Other 143 Countries  88318770 5080511 23.44
19 Pakistan 4000361 178223 1.06
World Total 376826967 19246465 100.00
Source: FAO