Country Wise Import of Cotton Lint in the World 2016
Sr. No. Countries Import Qty. (Tons) Import Value "000 $"
1 China 1038114 1776813
2 Viet Nam 922799 1561570
3 Turkey 821217 1238673
4 Indonesia 678248 1087200
5 Bangladesh 609641 1089380
6 India 464280 878983
7 Pakistan 332962 580537
8 Thailand 256661 433431
9 Korea 231831 376650
10 Mexico 223011 351388
11 Malaysia 91822 154372
12 Egypt 64145 121386
13 Japan 63602 109492
14 Russian Federation 55523 80489
Total Top 15 Countries 5853856 9840364
Total Other 125 Countries 486925 905456
World Total 6340781 10745820
Source: FAO