Country Wise Import of Dates in the World 2016
Sr. No. Countries Import Qty. (Tons) Import Value "000 $"
1 India 350022 211148
2 UAE 213821 118832
3 Morocco 69324 96170
4 Bangladesh 37340 22440
5 France 33910 76117
6 USA 28573 49718
7 Turkey 26772 36475
8 Indonesia 23229 32929
9 Kazakhstan 22933 6533
10 UK 19807 55680
11 Malaysia 18271 42197
12 Germany 18078 50897
13 Russia 17312 22119
14 Jordan 13948 21073
15 Niger 13089 1853
Total Top 15 Countries 906429 844181
Total Other 166 Countries 219050 393694
30 Pakistan 5599 6748
World Total 1131078 1244623
Source: FAO