Country Wise Import of Garlic in the World 2016
Sr. No. Countries Import Qty. (Tons) Import Value "000 $"
1 Indonesia 444301 436088
2 Brazil 173044 328516
3 Viet Nam 154387 270477
4 Malaysia 138772 235108
5 USA 87366 221632
6 UAE 60760 106828
7 Philippines 58755 15796
8 Pakistan 51372 93198
9 Russia 51161 79087
10 Saudi Arabia 41530 86685
11 Netherlands 35360 85306
12 Korea 35326 75448
13 Thailand 34722 24648
14 Bangladesh 32422 59633
15 Italy 27366 80841
Total Top 15 Countries 1426644 2199291
Total Other 170 Countries 537685 1087594
World Total 1964329 3286885
Source: FAO