Country Wise Import of Ginger in the World 2016
Sr. No. Countries Import Qty. (Tons) Import Value "000 $"
1 Bangladesh 85289 37869
2 USA 79802 92692
3 Pakistan 77318 59341
4 Japan 68840 98552
5 Netherlands 62679 74402
6 UAE 48284 21998
7 Malaysia 42435 21842
8 Saudi Arabia 31590 20948
9 Viet Nam 27996 20325
10 UK 23847 30092
11 India 23548 12349
12 Germany 19513 47642
13 Canada 14499 16627
14 Korea 10953 7101
15 Russia 10109 25405
Total Top 15 Countries 626702 587185
Total Other 158 Countries 147592 171243
World Total 774294 758428
Source: FAO