Country Wise Import of Mangoes, mangosteens, guavas in the World 2016
Sr. No. Countries Import Qty. (Tons) Import Value "000 $"
1 USA 446587 469871
2 Netherlands 189731 287224
3 UAE 103417 106209
4 Viet Nam 99540 73450
5 UK 81633 169683
6 Germany 74869 176240
7 France 58089 127302
8 Malaysia 51158 18265
9 Saudi Arabia 46106 45696
10 Spain 38144 71876
11 Belgium 29211 50801
12 Portugal 28450 50337
13 Thailand 26597 10302
14 Singapore 20336 29386
15 China 17626 39071
Total Top 15 Countries 1311494 1725713
Total Other 126 Countries 242040 416835
101 Pakistan 59 37
World Total 1553593 2142585
Source: FAO