Country Wise Import of Potato in the World 2016
Sr. No. Countries Import Qty. (Tons) Import Value "000 $"
1 Belgium 2001184 463363
2 Netherlands 1475645 257058
3 Spain 728762 252518
4 Italy 637511 205288
5 Germany 603021 275941
6 USA 495933 217689
7 Portugal 442216 121622
8 France 438113 127237
9 Russia 285490 107635
10 UAE 260551 76753
11 Malaysia 229855 77948
12 Czechia 203959 50741
13 Canada 199600 82547
14 UK 194171 100990
15 Austria 171180 36871
Total Top 15 Countries 8367191 2454201
Total Other 177 Countries 4223720 1654424
101 Pakistan 7494 4967
World Total 12598405 4113592
Source: FAO