Country Wise Import of Tomato in the World 2016
Sr. No. Countries Import Qty. (Tons) Import Value "000 $"
1 USA 1786399 2362944
2 Germany 738549 1306853
3 France 537315 633961
4 Russia 461523 490582
5 UK 380444 583076
6 Pakistan 254546 120746
7 Canada 217650 350577
8 Belarus 187216 218458
9 UAE 179500 127201
10 Netherlands 172544 229631
11 Saudi Arabia 160337 113553
12 Spain 145013 113748
13 Poland 142288 173220
14 Italy 117826 118839
15 Iraq 100655 39695
Total Top 15 Countries 5581805 6983084
Total Other 154 Countries 1670362 1584530
World Total 7252167 8567614
Source: FAO