Country Wise Area & Production of Banana in the World Year 2017
Sr. No. Countries Production (Tons) Area (Hectares) %age Share
1 India 30477000 860000 26.75
2 China 11170000 366166 9.81
3 Indonesia 7162685 119000 6.29
4 Brazil 6675100 465434 5.86
5 Ecuador 6282105 158057 5.51
6 Philippines 6041369 446764 5.30
7 Angola 4301880 142482 3.78
8 Guatemala 3887439 80161 3.41
9 Colombia 3786672 134518 3.32
10 Tanzania 3484788 489980 3.06
11 Costa Rica 2552822 42921 2.24
12 Mexico 2229519 77238 1.96
13 Viet Nam 2045352 125456 1.80
14 Rwanda 1729150 464862 1.52
15 Papua New Guinea 1246949 78004 1.09
Total Top 15 Countries 93072830 4051043 81.70
Total Other 115 Countries  20710488 1556354 18.18
54 Pakistan 135442 30111 0.12
World Total 113918760 5637508 100.00
Source: FAO