Country Wise Area & Production of Seed Cotton in the World Year 2017
Sr. No. Countries Production (Tons) Area (Hectares) %age Share
1 India 18530000 12200000 24.92
2 China 17148459 3625385 23.06
3 USA 12000000 4492220 16.14
4 Pakistan 5700300 2699000 7.67
5 Brazil 3842872 927987 5.17
6 Uzbekistan 2900175 1201182 3.90
7 Turkey 2450000 501478 3.30
8 Australia 2150961 518589 2.89
9 Mexico 1009103 211917 1.36
10 Burkina Faso 844337 844895 1.14
11 Greece 792000 262619 1.07
12 Argentina 616160 253310 0.83
13 Mali 591637 630811 0.80
14 Turkmenistan 483188 531665 0.65
15 Syria 441442 119768 0.59
Total Top 15 Countries 69500634 29020826 93.47
Total Other 75 Countries  4852176 3958314 6.53
World Total 74352810 32979140 100.00
Source: FAO