Country Wise Area & Production of Mangoes, mangosteens, guavas in the World Year 2017
Sr. No. Countries Production (Tons) Area (Hectares) %age Share
1 India 19506000 2212000 38.51
2 China 4791271 587767 9.46
3 Thailand 3824279 446728 7.55
4 Indonesia 2566046 202547 5.07
5 Mexico 1958491 188644 3.87
6 Pakistan 1685304 169234 3.33
7 Brazil 1547606 84106 3.06
8 Bangladesh 1517691 159042 3.00
9 Egypt 1351316 121604 2.67
10 Malawi 1323680 70018 2.61
11 Nigeria 935954 134468 1.85
12 Sudan 879321 43388 1.74
13 Kenya 772680 60497 1.53
14 Mali 754892 44255 1.49
15 Philippines 748957 194367 1.48
Total Top 15 Countries 44163488 4718665 87.19
Total Other 88 Countries  6485655 962647 12.81
World Total 50649143 5681312 100.00
Source: FAO