Country Wise Area & Production of Potatoes in the World Year 2017
Sr. No. Countries Production (Tons) Area (Hectares) %age Share
1 China 99147000 5765144 25.54
2 India 48605000 2179000 12.52
3 Russia 29589976 1889208 7.62
4 Ukraine 22208220 1323200 5.72
5 USA 20017350 415010 5.16
6 Germany 11720000 250500 3.02
7 Bangladesh 10215957 499725 2.63
8 Poland 9171733 329323 2.36
9 Netherlands 7391881 160791 1.90
10 France 7342203 173486 1.89
11 Belarus 6414755 275997 1.65
12 UK 6218000 146000 1.60
13 Iran 5102342 160902 1.31
14 Turkey 4800000 142851 1.24
15 Peru 4776294 310400 1.23
Total Top 15 Countries 292720711 14021537 75.41
Total Other 143 Countries  91327565 5097142 23.53
20 Pakistan 4142399 183961 1.07
World Total 388190675 19302640 100.00
Source: FAO