Country Wise Export of Apple in the World Year 2019 Country Wise Import of Apple in the World Year 2019
Sr. No. Countries Export Qty. in Tons Export Value in 000 $ Sr. No. Countries Import Qty. in Tons Import Value in 000 $
1 Poland 973806 362323 1 Russia 702123 394293
2 China 971257 1246453 2 Germany 613630 484818
3 Italy 927808 818457 3 China 347662 507259
4 USA 833087 961620 4 UK 331556 405681
5 Chile 673684 625452 5 Iraq 270000 127000
6 South Africa 469110 373395 6 Bangladesh 252498 229323
7 Iran  461142 198605 7 Mexico 252224 283101
8 New Zealand 390976 567089 8 Netherlands 248390 266121
9 France 381351 427401 9 India 242713 243951
10 Turkey 257471 90404 10 Belarus 237701 120057
11 Moldova 218218 53775 11 Egypt 237593 410168
12 Serbia 217000 118517 12 Spain 218454 163206
13 Netherlands 197439 233873 13 Canada 204640 213275
14 Belgium 194936 92113 14 Saudi Arabia 185240 185813
15 Spain 129555 104266 15 Indonesia 169085 341624
Total of Top 15 Countries 7296840 6273743 Total of Top 15 Countries 4513509 4375690
Total of 91 Other Countries 1508832 1011647 Total of 86 Other Countries 3781633 3297382
72 Pakistan 350 233 35 Pakistan 67449 43429
World Total 8806022 7285623 World Total 8362591 7716501
Source: FAO Source: FAO