Requirements for Successful Forced-Air Cooling
by James Thompson, P.E. (requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)
Improving Air Distrubution in Fruit Storage Warehouses
by Martin L. Hellickson (requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)
Reducing Energy Costs in Fruit Storage Warehouses
by Martin L. Hellickson and Robert A. Baskins (requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)
Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Progress Report
by Rich Ozanich (requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)
Minimizing Energy Use in Storage by Jack
Staples (requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)
Controlled Atmosphere Storage of Apples and Pears
by Eugene Kupferman (requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)
Energy Efficiency in Fruit Storage Warehouses
by Marcus H. Wilcox (requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)
Evaporator Fan Variable Frequency Drive Effects on Energy
and Fruit Quality by Robert D. Morton and Mike L. McDevitt
Monitoring the Controlled Atmosphere Storage Environment:
Ammonia Sensors and Infrared Vapor Analysis by Jeff Griffin, Pete
Eschbach, and Josh Poulson(1) and Nate Reed(2)
Ethylene Concentrations in Controlled Atmosphere Storage
by Pete Eschbach and Jeff Griffin(1) and Nate Reed(2)
How to Prevent Diseases of Fruit in Storage
by Dr. Eugene Kupferman (link to Good Fruit Grower archives)
Storage Regime Observations For Apples and Pears
by Dr. Eugene Kupferman (link to Good Fruit Grower archives)
Changes in Pear CA Storage Rooms as Influenced by Evaporator
Fan Operation by Dr. Martin L. Hellickson(1), P.E., Associate Professor
and Robert A. Baskins(2), Refrigeration Manager
Evaporator Fan VSD's: Fruit Quality Considerations
by Jack W. Staples
The Evaporator Fan VFD Initiative by Marcus
H. Wilcox, P.E. President and Robert D. Morton P.E., Vice President
Ammonia Leak Detection in CA Storage by
Steve Houston, President
Evaluation of Ammonia Sensors for Controlled-Atmosphere
(CA) Applications by Dr. Jeffrey Griffin1, Seth Poulson
and Lawrence Carter2, and Dr. Nate Reed3
Energy Savings Associated with Computer Control of Refrigeration
by Terry Ingham
Thermosyphon Oil Cooling Demonstration Project
by Shaun M. Seaman
Operation and Energy Benefits of Computerized Control Systems
by Dan Black
Improving Aging Refrigeration Systems in the Fruit Industry
by Marcus H. Wilcox
CA Storage Key to Growth of State's Apple Industry
by Dick Bartram (link to Good Fruit Grower archives)
Humidity Management in CA Storages by Henry
Waelti, Extension Agricultural Engineer
European Apple Warehouse Practices by Dr.
Eugene Kupferman, Postharvest Specialist
Matching Nitrogen Equipment to Your Needs
by Dr. Henry Waelti, Extension Agricultural Engineer and Dr. Ralph P. Cavalieri,
Assistant Professor
The Early Beginnings of Controlled Atmosphere Storage
by Dr. Eugene Kupferman, Postharvest Specialist
Potential For Explosions In CA Storage Facilities
by Dr. Henry Waelti, WSU Agricultural Engineer(1) and Dr. Eugene M. Kupferman, Postharvest
Reducing Energy Costs in CA Storage by J.A.
Bartsch, Agricultural Engineer, Associate Professor of Agricultural Engineering
Views on CA Storage of Apples by Dr. Ken
Olsen, USDA-ARS Plant Physiologist,
Control of Major Postharvest Apple Diseases
by Dr. Eugene Kupferman, Postharvest Specialist
Parts of this article are adapted from earlier papers by Dr. Charles F. Pierson,
USDA (retired) and Dr. Eugene M. Kupferman
Low Oxygen Hazard In CA Storage by G. D.
Blanpied, Department of Pomology and L. D. Baker, Agricultural Engineering
Energy Conservation in Apple Storages by
Henry Waelti
The Many Faces of CA Storage by G. D. Blanpied,
Department of Pomology
Chemical Practices, Chemicals, Pesticides
Predicting Susceptibility of 'Gala' Apples to Lenticel
Breakdown Disorder: Guidelines for Using the Dye Uptake Test by Dr.
Eric Curry and Dr. Eugene Kupferman (requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)
Bin and Storage Room Sanitation by Peter
L. Sholberg (requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)
Chlorine Disinfectants and ORP Control by
Douglas G. Kelley (requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)
Use of Ozone in Storage and Packing Facilities
by Joseph L. Smilanick (requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)
Sanitizers for Citrus Packinghouse Recirculated Water Systems
by Mark A. Ritenour, Steven A. Sargent and Jeffrey K. Brecht (requires
Adobe Acrobat Reader)
Exporting Without Methyl Bromide by James
D. Hansen (requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)
New Postharvest Chemicals: The Environmental Protection
Agency and the Risk Cup by Dr. H. Wally Ewart
International Chemical Standards by Mike
Wash Water Sanitation: How Do I Compare Different Systems?
by Devon Zagory, Ph.D.
Registration of Yeast Will Add New Biofungicide
by Rene Featherstone (link to Good Fruit Grower archives)
Considerations in Using Ethephon and ReTain To Regulate
Maturity of Deciduous Tree Fruit by Dr. Eric A. Curry, Plant Physiologist
Proper Management of Your DPA Program Can Save You Money
and Headaches! by W.J. McPhee
The Food Quality Protection Act of 1996
by Dr. Hugh W. Ewart, Vice President for Scientific Affairs
Importance of Methyl Bromide to Cherries
by Good Fruit Grower (link to Good Fruit Grower archives)
Rovral's Postharvest Use Canceled For Stone Fruit
by Melissa Hansen (link to Good Fruit Grower archives)
Postharvest Chemicals Are in First Group For Review
by Geraldine Warner (link to Good Fruit Grower archives)
Practical Grower by Phil VanBuskirk (link
to Good Fruit Grower archives)
Will Alternatives to Fumigants Be Ready In Time?
by Melissa Hansen (link to Good Fruit Grower archives)
Chemical Safety: What You Can Mix and What You Can't
by Maurice Smith
New Generation of Postharvest Biocontrols Coming
by Good Fruit Grower (link to Good Fruit Grower archives)
Industry Represented in Codex Residue Group
by Good Fruit Grower (link to Good Fruit Grower archives)
Biocontrols May Take Longer to Register in Other Countries
by Good Fruit Grower (link to Good Fruit Grower archives)
Chlorine Dioxide by Gary Apel
Filtration to Remove Spores of Penicillium Expansum from
in Pome Fruit Packinghouses by Robert
A. Spotts and L. A. Cervantes
Overview of Ozone Use at Snokist Growers
by Brad Tukey
Preharvest Practices to Minimize Postharvest Decay
by Dr. Eugene Kupferman, Postharvest Specialist
Residue Tolerances for Postharvest Chemicals
by Northwest Horticultural Council
Matching Nitrogen Equipment to Your Needs
by Dr. Henry Waelti, Extension Agricultural Engineer and Dr. Ralph P. Cavalieri,
Assistant Professor
Dump Tank Chemicals by Gary W. Apel
Control of Major Postharvest Apple Diseases
by Dr. Eugene Kupferman, Postharvest Specialist
Parts of this article are adapted from earlier papers by Dr. Charles F. Pierson,
USDA (retired) and Dr. Eugene M. Kupferman
Using Chlorine in the Packinghouse by Dr.
Eugene Kupferman, Postharvest Specialist
Natural Waxes on Fruits by P. E. Kolattukudy
Environmental Practices and Water Quality Issues
Packaging and MAP
Food and Laboratory Safety, Sanitation
Chlorine Disinfectants and ORP Control by
Douglas G. Kelley (requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)
Bin and Storage Room Sanitation by Peter
L. Sholberg (requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)
Food Safety/Food Security: Will It Be Important?
by Christian Schlect (requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)
Retaining and Motivating Employees by Larry
Memmott (requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)
Sanitizers for Citrus Packinghouse Recirculated Water Systems
by Mark A. Ritenour, Steven A. Sargent and Jeffrey K. Brecht (requires
Adobe Acrobat Reader)
Wash Water Sanitation: How Do I Compare Different Systems?
by Devon Zagory, Ph.D.
Food Safety: The Commercial Advantage by
Steve Fox
How to Prevent Diseases of Fruit in Storage
by Dr. Eugene Kupferman (link to Good Fruit Grower archives)
Postharvest Postulations: The Apple Grower and the Elephant
by Dr. Eugene Kupferman (link to Good Fruit Grower archives)
The Food Quality Protection Act of 1996
by Dr. Hugh W. Ewart, Vice President for Scientific Affairs
Process Safety Management: Compliance of Refrigeration
Plants by Greg Jourdan
Chemical Safety: What You Can Mix and What You Can't
by Maurice Smith
Minimizing Postharvest Decay of Apples and Pears
by Dr. Eugene Kupferman, Dr. Robert Spotts, Dr. Peter Sanderson and Kenn Brown (link
to Good Fruit Grower archives)
Fresh Packers Await Food Safety Guidelines
by Geraldine Warner (link to Good Fruit Grower archives)
Industry Represented in Codex Residue Group
by Good Fruit Grower (link to Good Fruit Grower archives)
Preharvest Practices to Minimize Postharvest Decay
by Dr. Eugene Kupferman, Postharvest Specialist
Dump Tank Chemicals by Gary W. Apel
Potential For Explosions In CA Storage Facilities
by Dr. Henry Waelti, WSU Agricultural Engineer(1) and Dr. Eugene M. Kupferman, Postharvest
Using Chlorine in the Packinghouse by Dr.
Eugene Kupferman, Postharvest Specialist
Low Oxygen Hazard In CA Storage by G. D.
Blanpied, Department of Pomology and L. D. Baker, Agricultural Engineering
Carbon Monoxide in Storage Rooms and Packing Houses
by Dr. Eugene Kupferman(1) and Henry Waelti(2)
Regulatory Issues and Quality Control
Information Technology and New Technology
Requirements for Successful Forced-Air Cooling
by James Thompson, P.E. (requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)
New High-Tech Methods to Solve Old Decay Problems
by Dr. Robert Spotts and Maryna Serdani (requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)
Technology and Automation--Can It Decrease Warehouse Costs/Improve
Grower Returns? by Hans van Someren Gréve (requires Adobe Acrobat
Energy Efficiency in Fruit Storage Warehouses
by Marcus H. Wilcox (requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)
Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Progress Report
by Rich Ozanich (requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)
Minimizing Energy Use in Storage by Jack
Staples (requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)
Reducing Energy Costs in Fruit Storage Warehouses
by Martin L. Hellickson and Robert A. Baskins (requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)
Comparison of Pome Fruit Firmness Testing Instruments
by Eugene Kupferman and Nairanjana Dasgupta (requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)
Bar-Coding Individual Fruit by Bill Hallier
Evaporator Fan Variable Frequency Drive Effects on Energy
and Fruit Quality by Robert D. Morton and Mike L. McDevitt
Improving Plant Operations Using Information Technology
by Welcome Sauer
Near-Infrared Spectroscopy: Background and Application
to Tree Fruit Quality Measurements by Dr. Richard M. Ozanich, Jr.
Researchers Make Progress on Fresh-Cut Tree Fruits
by Melissa Hansen (link to Good Fruit Grower archives)
The Evaporator Fan VFD Initiative by Marcus
H. Wilcox, P.E. President and Robert D. Morton P.E., Vice President
Changes in Pear CA Storage Rooms as Influenced by Evaporator
Fan Operation by Dr. Martin L. Hellickson(1), P.E., Associate Professor
and Robert A. Baskins(2), Refrigeration Manager
Evaluation of Ammonia Sensors for Controlled-Atmosphere
(CA) Applications by Dr. Jeffrey Griffin1, Seth Poulson
and Lawrence Carter2, and Dr. Nate Reed3
Washington Tree Fruit Research Commission's Postharvest
Projects by Jim Doornink, Chairman, WTFRC
Evaporator Fan VSD's: Fruit Quality Considerations
by Jack W. Staples
Reducing Emissions from Forklifts by Phil
Quarantine Treatment For Sweet Cherries
by Lisa Neven, Stephen R. Drake (link to Good Fruit Grower archives)
Quarantine Treatment Enhances Fruit Quality
by Geraldine Warner (link to Good Fruit Grower archives)
Private Research Program Focuses on Practical Issues
by Geraldine Warner (link to Good Fruit Grower archives)
Ammonia Leak Detection in CA Storage by
Steve Houston, President
Improving Aging Refrigeration Systems in the Fruit Industry
by Marcus H. Wilcox
Detection of Watercore in Apples by Ralph
Energy Savings Associated with Computer Control of Refrigeration
by Terry Ingham
Evaluating Apple Firmness Sensors by Marvin
Pitts(1), Ralph Cavalieri(1), Steve Drake(2) and John Fellman(3)
Elastic Modulus: What Is It? by Marvin Pitts
and Ralph Cavalieri(1), Steve Drake(2), and John Fellman(3)
Warehouse Electrical Systems by Paul Gray
Near Infrared Sorting for the Washington Apple Industry
by Dr. Eugene Kupferman, Postharvest Specialist
Operation and Energy Benefits of Computerized Control Systems
by Dan Black
Thermosyphon Oil Cooling Demonstration Project
by Shaun M. Seaman
Several Techniques Detect Apple Watercore
by Melissa Hansen (link to Good Fruit Grower archives)
Adaptability of Nuclear Technology Explored
by Melissa Hansen (link to Good Fruit Grower archives)
Lighting Systems for Fruit Sorting by Daniel
Guyer, Roger Brook, and Edward Timm
European Apple Warehouse Practices by Dr.
Eugene Kupferman, Postharvest Specialist
Reducing Energy Costs in CA Storage by J.A.
Bartsch, Agricultural Engineer, Associate Professor of Agricultural Engineering
Energy Conservation in Apple Storages by
Henry Waelti
Measuring Fruit Firmness with a Penetrometer
by William J. Bramlage
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