The following commodities are reported to be unavailable today in these cities.
Note that data can be sorted by clicking on column headings.
Unavailable Commodities | Not Available in |
Apple (Ammre) | Lahore |
Apple (Gatcha) | Lahore |
Apple (Golden) | Lahore |
Apricot White | Lahore |
Apricot Yellow | Lahore |
Banola | Lahore |
Banola Cake | Lahore |
Barley(جو) | Lahore |
Batho | Lahore |
Brown Sugar(شکر) | Lahore |
Canola | Lahore |
Cocoyam(اروی) | Lahore |
Cocunut | Lahore |
Coriander (دھنیا) | Lahore |
Cucumber (Kheera) | Lahore |
Fenugreek(میتھی) | Lahore |
feutral early(100 Pcs) فروٹر | Lahore |
Grapes Gola | Lahore |
green chickpeas(چھولیا) | Lahore |
Green Fodder | Lahore |
Green Onion | Lahore |
Groundnut | Lahore |
Jaman | Lahore |
jujube(بیر) | Lahore |
Lemon (Desi) | Lahore |
Lemon (Other) | Lahore |
Loquat | Lahore |
Lychee | Lahore |
Maize | Lahore |
Mango (Malda) | Lahore |
Mango Desi | Lahore |
Mango Saharni | Lahore |
Mango(Anwer Ratol) | Lahore |
Mango(Chounsa) | Lahore |
Mango(Desahri) | Lahore |
Mango(Sindhri) | Lahore |
Mash Pulse(local) | Lahore |
Masoor Pulse (Imported) | Lahore |
Masoor Whole(local) | Lahore |
Millet | Lahore |
Mint(پودینہ) | Lahore |
Mongray | Lahore |
Mustard seed | Lahore |
Orange(100Pcs) | Lahore |
Paddy (IRRI) | Lahore |
Paddy Basmati | Lahore |
Paddy Kainat | Lahore |
Papaya(پپیتا) | Lahore |
Peach | Lahore |
Peach Special | Lahore |
Pear | Lahore |
Persimmon(جاپانی پھل) | Lahore |
Plum | Lahore |
Pomegranate Desi | Lahore |
Potato Store | Lahore |
Potato Sugar free | Lahore |
RapeSeed (Torya) | Lahore |
Red Chilli Whole (Dry) | Lahore |
Rice (IRRI) | Lahore |
Rice Basmati (385) | Lahore |
Rice Kainat (New) | Lahore |
Seed Cotton(Phutti) | Lahore |
Sesame(تِل) | Lahore |
Sorghum | Lahore |
Strawberry | Lahore |
Sugar | Lahore |
sugarcane | Lahore |
Suger Beet(چقندر) | Lahore |
Sunflower | Lahore |
Sweet Musk Melon | Lahore |
Sweet Musk Melon (Shireen) | Lahore |
Sweet Potato(شکر قندی) | Lahore |
Tinda Desi | Lahore |
Tindian | Lahore |
Turmeric Whole(ثابت ہلدی) | Lahore |
Water chestnut(سنگھاڑا) | Lahore |
Watermelon | Lahore |
Wheat | Lahore |
Wheat Straw | Lahore |
Zucchini (گھیا توری) | Lahore |